My Spiritual Morning Routine; How I Begin My Day with Powerful Cosmic Connection

Deep in my soul I have always been a morning person. It has always been very natural for me and my family to get up early without needing coffee or tools to wake us up. Energy runs through my body as I open my eyes and begin to wake up to a clean slate. With an intentional full nights rest, my body is rejuvenated and ready to receive.

If you do not resonate with this morning energy, you might want to look at your sleep schedule. You can practice falling asleep earlier to wake up at an earlier hour, or you can simply accept that you might be night person! By embracing the energy your body needs, morning or night, you can align with a time a spiritual routine works best for YOU.

The sensations I feel in the mornings have not changed since I was young, so I know very well what works best for my body. This is why I title this post my spiritual morning routine. This is my time where I need to be still and connect, maybe it will be a good time for you to begin your practice as well. Before you continue to read about my spiritual morning routine you might want to read my recent post on how I prepare my sacred space. This post has valuable information to help you create an atmosphere that will serve you in your practices before you begin a set routine.

1) I begin my morning between 6am-8am, I do not have an alarm because during this time of quarantine I am not obligated to be anywhere at a specific time in the mornings. I simply wake up when my body is finish resting.

2) Next I make sure to finish the water on my nightstand and refill my glass. I drink water to intentionally get my energy moving again and flush away anything I carry from my sleep (muscle pain, bad dreams, ect). Some days I introduce tea to this ritual right after I drink water. Preparing loose leaf tea takes my mind off of needing to check my phone, which I try to stay off of until I’ve finished my morning spiritual practice. This is an intentional practice I like to take my time with, helping to move chi through my body.

3) After I prepare my tea and water I bring them to my sacred space known as my alter. At my alter I have a candle and lighter in reach. I begin my practice by lighting my candle to initiate my senses and symbolically begin conversation with my guides and my higher self. I continue to awaken my other senses by touching my crystals and other personal objects on my alter like my abalone shell and wolf statue.

4) Something I’ve recently included into my spiritual morning routine is breath work. Cleaning my mind and body of any clutter that I want to release before I intend to connect with my guides. My breath work exercise is very simple, I hold my hands to my heart and breath in my nose to a slow count of six, and breath out through my mouth to a slow count of six.

5) I love to include a line activation, created and developed by one of my favorite spiritual teachers Ashely Wood. I encourage you to read about this practice as Ashely explains it in her own words. You can find more information on line activations on her website, This exercise is perfect for delivering short sweet messages from the cosmos. These messages help me focus on the theme of the day, what I’m trying to learn, change, or embody.

6) Writing has always been an important channeling method for me. Journalling by far has to be one of the most important activities I do in this routine. It allows me to express myself, allow subconscious messages to come through, and gives me time to create something for myself. I have many journals I keep as a record of my growth and healing journey.

7) During this segment where I begin to channel, I like to pull personal tarot or oracle message for myself. I decide what deck I want to work with based on the messages I’m already receiving. Once I choose a deck, I shuffle the cards with intention to receive a visual message that will help me interpret my writing or my clairaudient messages.

8) To finish my spiritual morning routine I like to blow out my candle while thanking myself for showing up to do this important work. After sitting and working with my mind, I like to begin working and moving my body. Moving focus from the mind to the body balances the energies well. I will get up from my seat, stretch my legs, and most likely move into either a yoga flow or workout. To bring the practice to a complete close, I will finish with some more water and tea, just as I began.

Although these steps written out seem timely, this routine dose not take me more than 10-15 min a day. Please remember when you give time to self development you determine the worth you have for yourself, be kind and know you are more than worthy. It has been a pleasure sharing my spiritual morning routine with you, please let me know if you decide to adopt some of these practices into your routine!

Have a beautiful day,


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